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Author Archives: David Sebastiaan

Facing The Challenge: Building A Responsive Web Application

Cras lorem velit, feugiat in vestibulum in, lobortis quis nisi. Sed non quam vel leo convallis accumsan. Aliquam eleifend.


Smashing Conference 2013: A Community Event That Will Change Everything

Cras lorem velit, feugiat in vestibulum in, lobortis quis nisi. Sed non quam vel leo.


You need to ask yourself that. We did, and discovered something. To feel inspired, to feel that you’re doing something.

Example of a Simple Blog Post

Cras lorem velit, feugiat in vestibulum in, lobortis quis nisi. Sed non quam vel leo convallis accumsan. Aliquam eleifend.


I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.

Gone In 60 Frames Per Second: A Pinterest Paint Performance Case Study

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis tristique dapibus dapibus. Ut in magna vitae purus imperdiet eleifend. Ut ac tincidunt arcu. Aliquam ut luctus mauris, id dapibus augue.


You need to ask yourself that. We did, and discovered something. To feel inspired, to feel that you’re doing something.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt